Wanted to Share this to encourage uplift and really just share how pumped I am right now . Gonna share in timeline fashion June 2018 Met Drewskiii at the Venice Basketball league coaching against him July 2018 He played on my squad at the Shaq Puma event Nov 2018 He played for P4E for the first time Nov 10th 2019 I was blessed to baptize him on my bday July 2022 He went to play in Mexico top pro league Sept 2, 2022 He sends me a message today to ask if he and I can do a Bible study together on the Bible app. There’s over a four year span here and there has been a lot poured into this relationship. Ups and downs but never gave on him and always get there was more to it. God gave me the energy and the words to keep pushing forward. Today marked the first day he asked me to study the Bible. Beyond amazing - beyond emotional - God is so good So all that to say Keep Going!!! It’s well worth it

Posted by Don Weyrick at 2022-09-02 20:48:11 UTC