A Praise Report Benson,a 13 yrs old boy has been part of our soccer team since he was 6. Our walk with him and his family has been a great adventure! Both of his parents are drunkards and Benson's home environment has been toxic. Our Coaching Staff has visited Benson and his family several times and our fervent prayer has been to see God encounter with Ben's parents! God answered our prayer yesterday, Sunday February 6th. Benson's Mom came to church and surrendered her life and said 'YES' to Jesus! Hallelujah!!! I shed tears of joy as I watched Benson's Mom on her knees being led by our Pastor through the confession prayer! I,my pastor and his wife will visit the family on Wednesday this week, pray with us that Benson's Mom will be encouraged by our visit and that it will be an opportunity to show love and appreciation to Benson's Dad too! Blessings! In His Vineyard Coach Joseph Naivasha, Kenya

Posted by Joseph Mwaura at 2022-02-07 14:38:02 UTC