I’m humbled to share that Legacy Sports received a $10,000 grant today from the Haller Foundation. This is a huge answer to prayer. We are still well below pre-COVID numbers requiring us to ask for year end donations to help cover the financial shortfall. Our goal was $10,000! The reason Legacy Sports was chosen to receive the grant was because of a player in our league. Jack Shannon has been with Legacy for 4 years and primarily been involved with flag football like any normal kid. However, Jack only has on functioning hand and wears a brace on one leg causing him to limp while walking/running. These physical challenges might slow some players down but not Jack. He has become a reliable receiver and got to player on third and fourth down. Jack’s mom is on the board of the Haller Foundation and recommend Legacy Sports because of its mission and willingness to include players like Jack. I can’t help be be reminded that we just never know who is involved in our leagues and camps and who we might be talking to at any given moment. I had no idea how impactful Legacy Sports has been for the Shannon family and of course no idea of their connection to a foundation that gives out thousands of dollars every year. In conclusion, none of this happens without Coach Frank Skinner who has been Jacks coaches all along and found numerous ways to make sure he always felt included. Frank never complained about having a physically challenged player and even made it a goal to help Jack become an impact player. Sometimes I wonder if what we are doing at Legacy Sports is making a difference in anyone’s life. God reminded me today that we are making a difference even if we don’t hear about it for 4 years (or even at all).

Posted by Scott Tyson at 2021-12-08 17:20:27 UTC