Prayer Request from One of our players Woman Pro Am Players Britt “My mother was admitted to ICU two days ago, she has pneumonia really bad, and a lot of fluid in her left lung. With this finding the doctors also found that she has a severe heart disease. Today she will get a chest tube to drain the fluid, and hopefully it will relieve some stress from her heart. My mom is my best friend, I asked the Lord that he watches over her and heal her body.” Please pray alongside us for her mom, Britt herself,her family and the nurses and doctors taking of her mom. Britt has verbally shared her need to get to church with her 3 kids but hasn’t taken this step yet. We spoke this morning about her mom and everything. She expressed she thought she might be getting punished for only reaching out to God during drastic times. We talked through that. So also please pray that will lead to her diving. Closer to Jesus and not farther away Thank you.

Posted by Don Weyrick at 2021-11-18 17:21:25 UTC