We're in Week 4 of our Fall Youth Baseball season and this week's devotion was on attitude and the key verse was Philippians 2:5 which reads, "Have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had." The players are learning that Jesus cared for others more than himself and that he put others first. One of my long-time kid pitch coaches came up to me before their game last night and said "hey we had a cool moment a few weeks ago when a team we were playing was really struggling and a kid who used to play with most of our team several years back came in to pitch and he struck a few of our players out. One of our players started cheering him on and applauding his efforts and before I knew it our whole team was cheering him on." Just wanted to share this awesome story as an encouragement to cheer each other on and to even look for ways to cheer on and applaud those the world would tell us are our enemies or "opponents".

Posted by William Stanford at 2021-11-03 14:27:16 UTC