Heard this encouraging story recently from ML Woodruff at Istrouma Sports in Baton Rouge - "Coach, just sharing our team huddle with you from Redemption Week. Last Saturday, a bad call gave our opponent a touchdown that they did not earn or deserve which gave them a victory as a result. The last time we played this team they did not score any points and this game was a back and forth game with lead changes at each team’s score. It was exciting. I saw the bad call and chose not to bring it up (as Head Coach or the League Commissioner) at any point with the refs. I also did not mention to my team or Assistant Coaches. I was not bothered by it at all which is unusual for me. As a coach, this bad call gave the opponent a win over my team. Who would not be bothered by such a thing? As the League Commissioner, it was a teaching moment that I chose not to address at the moment with the refs. It became obvious to me that not being bothered by it was a God thing and here is why. These in game moments became the platform for our gospel message. I called my assistant coaches together before practice started and explained all of this. They agreed that this happened for the same reason. It was great for them to see how God uses sports to redeem us. After we warmed up and ran some drills, I brought the team together and explained this to them. I was expecting an outburst of emotion from them about the results of the game not being real and saying they should have won. Not one even mentioned it. I huddled the team at the goal line and replayed the scenario with them and asked the question afterwards if that player earned or deserved the touchdown they were given or the game victory as a result. They answered the questions without hesitation and that led to the gospel tie in. I explained to them it is no different for us in life. We’re messed up and broken and deserve to be penalized for our sin but the love, grace and mercy of God made a way for us to be saved from that through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I then explained the victory we are given that we don’t deserve and can never earn by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. It was a beautiful illustration that I’m thankful for. As a result, one of our players recorded on his decision card that he is ready to put his faith in Jesus! AMEN!"

Posted by Bob Schindler - Community Host at 2021-11-03 14:00:55 UTC