Hello all! I am sharing this from my Upward coaching experience this past fall from Brownsburg, IN. Within the last year my full time role shifted from leading our sports and fitness ministry to small groups. I found an opportunity to serve at a church up the road from me with their Upward program so sharing my experience. Love the power of sport! This Storm team [5th and 6th graders] finished their final game on Saturday. What a great game and finish. Proud of these 8 kids [missing one today]. All season we have been talking on various areas of soccer along with 3 areas provided by the league [individuality, gratitude, self-control] with Scriptures. We have also talked about serving others [passing] and knowing we win and lose as team. We were meant to play and be part of a team. God created us this way.Teams are powerful where each person has an important part to play in their position no matter what it is.Teams make us better in good and tough times. This team full of 9 players made each other better. To see their smiles, joy, play, and encouragement throughout last 10 weeks has been awesome! I also had two players dads step in to help coach for a couple practices and a game. I had a great team mom. We all made a great team! I appreciate each one. This team reminded me about humility, looking ahead to a teammate when they could be the one to score, and to play hard/wise for all 6 quarters. Oh the life lessons and Spiritual applications are a few reasons why I love being involved in sports with kids and adults in a realtional way as you grow together one step at a time. Gonna miss these kiddos! ** I cried Friday night thinking about all the ways this was fun and good for my heart. I have never coached soccer though directing or being over leagues has been mainly my soccer experience. ⚽️ This pushed me out of my comfort zone so I'm thankful for the opportunity!**

Posted by Jenny Young at 2021-10-04 18:59:15 UTC