An Encouraging Last Few Weeks … Have you ever prayed for someone for a long time and then seen the answer to your prayers? That happened to me last month (Sept. 2021). I have been praying for Maci for 7 years, she is now 18 years old. She has been in the Sunday School class for several years and 3 weeks ago she texted me to make sure I would be teaching that morning. Long story short – she cried tears of repentance, I reviewed the gospel, and she prayed out loud the sweetest prayer, in front of those in the class, asking forgiveness for her sins and to do what she could not do for herself, save her. Then a few minutes later during our prayer and praise time during worship she told the whole church. There were many tears of joy! Two weeks later, I had dinner with 20-year-old Nate. God had obviously been getting his attention in some scary ways. He prayed with me over dinner with a clear desire for salvation and for the Lord to direct his life. With both young people I asked them to not only tell those close to them, but the 4 “hardest to tell” individuals in their lives. They both did this out of obedience and a desire to declare firmly their commitment. And now I am enjoying discipling them and having a new brother and sister in the Lord. Thought this would encourage you to keep praying!

Posted by Ken Cross at 2021-10-04 18:22:59 UTC