Are you discouraged with your evangelistic efforts? Does it sometimes feel that they are futile efforts? I admit that it can feel that way. Sometimes, I feel it in subtle ways that I can recognize as a lie and other times, it feels heavy, real and overwhelming. There are many reasons I can get to this place. Yet, when I am honest with myself and bring these doubts and frustrations to God with a desire to repent and align my mind and heart with God’s truth, He shows himself faithful. He reminds me, as He promised in the Great Commission, that He is surely with me always (Matt 28:20). He reminds me of the amazing privilege to be called to Jesus’ mission no matter how He chooses to use me (1 Peter 2:9-12; Psalm 115:1). The Lord also reminds me that salvation belongs to Him and I just get to be an ambassador for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:11-21; Psalm 3:8). I also am reminded that I am a part of a team (the Church) who has been called to this great task. Thus, it is not a solo project. I am also reminded that evangelism is often a process where I have the privilege to put Christ before people in different ways and at different times (long conversations over a meal, quick questions on a ball field sidelines, a more formal study, and so on). I may be one “pebble in the shoe” that God uses to give someone faith and open their eyes to the glories of Christ. God often uses many people, different events and many proclamations of the Gospel to draw people to Himself (1 Corinthians 3:6-7). Ultimately, evangelism is about God’s glory, God’s purposes and a chance for me to know and trust Him more. This past week I have been reminded of these truths and have been encouraged to see the fruits of God’s work through chaplaincy. Recently, a team member shared that He repented of his sins for the first time as He cried out to Jesus Christ to forgive Him of His sins and his desire to submit himself to Jesus as Lord. The team member has been a part of the team for over 25 years. He had been relationally pursued by the chaplain team here. He had worked beside, been influenced by and loved by many other believers over those years. He had heard the Gospel proclaimed many times in personal conversations, formal bible studies and around tragic events through the years. He had joined an investigative Bible Study small group to better understand Christianity. And finally after years of evangelism and one day hearing the testimony of another team member, the “God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in [his] heart to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face fo Jesus Christ” (2 Cor 4:6). I rejoice in the miracle of God delivering this man out of the domain of darkness and into the kingdom of His Son. I am also reminded that God is at work around us even when we don’t necessarily see it. I am reminded that I am a part of a team (the Church) who is called to be a part of this Divine Mission. What a privilege to get to be a part of planting seeds and see God grow His Kingdom (Mark 4:1-20). Often He is at work in ways that we will only see later (Mark 4:26-29). Whether you have been encourage or discouraged lately, I pray that you will continue to show up in people’s lives and put Christ before them and trust God along this way. I hope this reminder was encouraging to you. Please like this if it was. Also, if you have any other encouraging stories or comments about evangelism, please comment below. Here is an article that could also encourage you if you want to read more on this topic.

Posted by Hudson Belk at 2024-05-17 13:22:14 UTC