Ran across this story this morning Brendan Rice (Son of Jerry) was drafted by the Chargers . So what normally happens is when a team decides to draft a player , the team calls the player to notify him ahead of time . The player is usually with his family and friends to celebrate. But Rice had to board a flight to Dallas and was at the Church getting ready to be a pallbearer and present the obituary for his best friend who passed 2 weeks earlier. So at one of his worst days; he learns his biggest dream is about to come true and will be in the NFL. Probably a of bittersweet but also probably what he needed the most so it was right on time. This is what sports can do, it can lift people up in their worst and most down and out moments. How much more can Christ do when we bring him into sports!!! This is a big reason why I do sports Ministry . Because the relationships we make Within our leagues, tourneys, events, fitness classes… we have the opportunity,chance and blessing to be there for people at these Moments where they are struggling the most . This is an amazing opportunity to share the love of Christ, the power of Christ and the grace of Christ . I will end with sharing a story that recently happened with me. A month or so ago, I get a call from one of my guys late at night (11 pm). I was excited to hear from him but immediately knew something was wrong. He was struggling to talk and get the words out but he finally did. And he shared that Adam (one of my guys) had just been shot and arrested. He didn’t know what had happened but wanted me To know and so I can pray. We prayed together and hung up. Five minutes later Adam best friend (who I know but not well and he isn’t a believer but knows what I stand on) called me to share what had happened. He wanted me to know so I can pray and reach out to Adam once he was able to . A couple weeks later I was able to communicate with Adam and discuss and talk through things. He was healing really well (bullet barely missed vital organs ) and case was dropped against him. I told boldly yet lovingly that you were definitely blessed that he did not die or major complications. Also had so Much favor that case was dropped. See what happened was his father had passed away five days earlier and was drinking to just get through it. Went to an ex girlfriend house to get some of his things and got into a fight with the new boyfriend . He was winning the fight when the guy grabbed a gun and shot him once. He had Ben charged with domestic violence and battery. So knowing whole story I told Adam I didn’t pray for him to get off but rather quick healing, favor with the court and that this will be his wake up call and that he need to go all in with the Lord. He understood and thanked me for that and always being there for Him. And he agreed with the wake up call and told me that he really wants to be baptized and it’s time . I share this because I was notified by his friends and was able to have that conversation with Adam because I had a real true relationship with him they know where I stand and who I stand for and everything will come from a loving place because I do love them because God loves us. It’s important and valuable when your able to build those trustworthy deep relationships with the people in our ministry reach because we don’t know what may happen or better yet when something will happen that opens the door to be able to share true example about how loving and caring our God really is. Would love for you to share an example from your ministry where because the relationship you built opened up an opportunity to be there for him or her. This can encourage others. Have a blessed day !!!

Posted by Don Weyrick at 2024-05-01 13:02:38 UTC