Have you ever noticed how most, if not all, of Paul's letters include this blessing at the beginning: May God give you grace and peace. It's such a simple statement, yet so powerful. Below is an excerpt from an article titled Accessing EVERY Spiritual Blessing: There are so many good things God wants to give you. At the top of His list are grace and peace. These are two words we hear often, so we tend to brush over them. Let’s dig in. Grace - That which leads to joy, pleasure, and delight - The merciful kindness of God - God’s holy influence that turns us to Christ, and continues to strengthen and increase us in our Christian faith - God’s favor Peace - Exemption from rage and havoc of war - Peace between individuals - Safety, fearing nothing - Prosperity - The tranquil state of one assured of salvation in Christ - Content in every moment Now you can see that Paul was saying so much more than just “May God give you grace and peace.” Let me show you how we would need to say this today. May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you great joy, pleasure, and delight. May His merciful kindness and holy influence continue to strengthen and increase your faith. May God shower His favor on you! So much favor, you don’t know what to do with it. Beyond that, may He remove rage and havoc from your midst, leading you to peace with everyone. May you become fully aware of God’s divine protection so that you fear nothing. May you be an open display of God’s abundance as you live in prosperity. And most importantly, may you continue to enjoy complete inner peace as you rest in your salvation. May you live every day fully content, no matter what is going on around you.

Posted by Victoria Montano at 2024-01-15 20:19:06 UTC