The last week of soccer, bittersweet times. We had a coach tell us that his practice got detailed and turned into a therapy session. During the devotion one of his players admitted to being bullied at school, which opened up to other kids sharing stories. Coach said that they spent 30 minutes building each other up and reaffirming those that were bullied. We never know how God uses the Gospel to reach people, but I know that kid left practice feeling like he was important and loved. Never assume that we know what is going on in each other's lives. What you are doing in sports, rec, and fitness, may be the absolute high point of the week for those that are struggling in this life. I hope that we all have the mindset of this coach who took the time to listen. Have any of you experienced or heard of moments like this in your ministry? Would love to hear more stories like this.

Posted by Kane Gonzales at 2023-11-09 14:33:15 UTC