Sports Ministry is impactful everywhere you go!!! I want to share with you a text that I received this evening. Let me layout some information so you know the context. Since I have moved to Philly I joined a secular pickleball club that is indoor so I can play year round. For last month or so I have played in a 3.75 rated Friday group 2-4 pm. So that being said I got a text from an unknown number saying “Hey, Don - Just want to tell you how much I enjoy playing both with and against you! You are a true gentleman and a lot of fun. I love your awesome angles and that very accurate and stellar overhead! I'm disappointed Bounce took the 2:00-4:00 open play out on Fridays but I sure hope to see you on the court again soon. Take care and have a great weekend! I replied back “Well thank you for the kind words. I try to be the best example I can and resemble Christ in all I do. I just started playing pickleball in July and I am hooked. Btw Can I ask who this is?” She replied “Sorry, Don - It's Anne McNeil. We just played this afternoon and we played last Friday as well. Forgot that my name doesn't come up with a first text. You can rest assured that you're a fine example of a Christian guy and I admire you. I could use a lot more of your demeanor in mine!” Anne is someone in her fifties or sixties but is really good. She has a quick temper but calms down quickly . She was first person to yell at me during a game (3 times for various unwarranted reasons). I responded each time with respect and a smile as I knew something was not right and she didn’t mean anything by it. I share this as 1) my wife said last week that she felt one big part of my ministry is going out and playing in these secular events and sharing Christ love. 2) The fact that this hot head lady sees that and confirms that is awesome and shows that God is working . I praise God for Anne and that God will continue to use me to pour Gods love onto Anne and others . I pray this encourages you that yes our ministries are at our churches in our leagues camps and classes but it doesn’t stop there. It continues wherever we go. You don’t know who is watching and paying attention and who will be impacted by how you represent Christ. Your impact for Christs glory continues wherever you go Be impactful

Posted by Don Weyrick at 2023-11-04 02:03:20 UTC