Why are you coaching? The results to our poll last week surprised me. We polled our coaches on the SRF App regarding this question. Here are the results: - 58% coach to reach kids - 34% coach to be with their kids - 8% coach because they like to coach - 0% coach to have fun I am surprised at the #1 answer. I would have guessed it would have been the #2 answer. Surprised but encouraged. Tells me those coaches see their coaching as ministry. I hope that encourages you SRF leaders who recruit and train coaches. I am unsure how to respond to the idea that no one coaches to have fun. I want to make a joke about coaching but hesitate because of what their votes might say about how coaches view their role. I thoroughly enjoy coaching and imagine these coaches do as well. I would bet the results are colored by the fact that the voters only got one vote.

Posted by Bob Schindler - Community Host at 2023-10-12 13:58:25 UTC