CEDE SPORTS is hosting a webinar on September 28th from 3:00-4:15 pm EST where you will get to hear from a few SR&F leaders which include @Taylor Price @Josh Breffle @Kurt Witters ML Woodruff on this topic, "Does God Care Who Wins?." The purpose for this webinar is to share this stimulating question, how it’s impacted each one on the panel, their ministry, and how the DGCWW material can then be used within your ministries to help others wrestle and think a little more deeply about this question to see God redeem sports and us back to Himself. We hope you can join us! Link for the webinar is in the events section on app Check out this video trailer on the book #DGCWWwebinar

Posted by Jenny Young at 2023-09-18 14:39:29 UTC