In March in one of the workshops Gathering 2023 in Houston, I shared about the Virtual Business Incubator initiative. The reason we launched this project is to sustain income for our sport ministry leaders and their families and in the future make some contribution to their ministries. Set up a platform for mentoring those who, going, Through our Virtual Business Incubator. A friend of mine has his own business producing clothing for local restaurants, hotels, etc. "Simo" "Imami collection". Behrooz has a large clothing factory which he started in the early 2000s with a lot of debts and problems. But today he has a lot of experience and success and is a very deep believer and successful entrepreneur. Today Behrouz share’s with those of us who have started or are planning to start a business within our business incubator!!! On the top of the picture is Christian and a famous stylist in the fashion industry of Tajikistan. Has a middle-size clothing factory. At the bottom of the picture is my friend, a business partner in business with China and the most successful director of the company in Tajikistan in the ATM business. They are all mentors in our VBI.

Posted by Vitaly Shamaev at 2023-08-23 10:05:47 UTC