We are back to our region of Central Asia and happy to be again back into an “environment of persecution”, pressure of the restrictions and majority of Muslims. Last statistics say the number of Muslim Mosques in Tajikistan achieved 3,938 Mosques with a list of 2,500 visitors each for the 9 million population of Tajikistan. As you might remember, all Christians in Tajikistan may be easily placed at the auditorium of an American church, because we are only 3,000 people, less then 0,00003% out of the whole population. So, every one of us as a Christians now has a responsibility for each of 3,938 Mosques:) or 2,500 Muslim per each Christian in the country!!! Please pray and partner with us to reach out this summer over 1,000 Muslims families through 20 Christian sports camps we have in plan to run with team this summer. Usually camps last 4-5 days, for security reasons and not such expensive as you might think in your context:))

Posted by Vitaly Shamaev at 2023-05-17 08:18:12 UTC