Just wanted to share a cool God experience over the Holidays. My wife and I got to go to Maui for Christmas. But then I was sick for most of it but still worse places to be sick. But prior to getting sick I had a really cool experience. 1) we were at a strip mall just browsing through shops and I went into a local boutique and the lady immediately thought she recognized me. But after she realized I wasn’t him we begin to talk and I shared that I do sports ministry and she said that’s amazing is a Christian who coached High School soccer. She ended up losing her job of many years for standing up for her faith. I begin to encourage her that God had something better for her and she had a big smile. 2) My wife and I went glass blowing at a spot we had two times prior. This time when we ended a guy named Mike started talking to me. Normal talk where you from what you do. When I shared I do sports ministry and we use sports to share the love of Christ. He lit up and immediately asked more questions . He asked if I was going to a service that night and I said actually we are. We are going to Hope Chapel in Kihue. Turns out mike moved from Texas to Kihue a year ago and has been praying about getting locked into a church and doing ministry with youth and sports. I invited Mike to service and he showed up Liked the church and I introduced him to the Pastor and Josh who runs vertical sports. I have followed up with Mike and he is super excited where God may take those meetings and how he be used. Wanted to share this story as it was definitely was the highlight of my trip and also the power of sports, being open to what God might be up to as my wife and I prayed over and over again to use us in our time in Hawaii and sharing what God has done in ones life. Thanks for reading

Posted by Don Weyrick at 2023-01-13 06:19:07 UTC