Happy Monday! As we step into our first full week in December, I would love to share an excerpt from Paul David Tripp's Advent Devotional called, Come Let Us Adore Him. "God knew that something lurks inside all of us that twists every thought, that diverts every desire, that shapes the direction of every choice, and that controls every word and action. And he knew that because this thing was inside us and not outside us, we would never be able to conquer it on our own. For all the beauty of his law, he knew the law could expose us, it could guide us, and it could indict us, but it would never be able to rescue us. So the only hope for messed up and desperate people like us was the sending of the ultimate rescuer, his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The beautiful news of the Christmas season is that God wasn’t willing to leave us in this tragic and desperate state. At Christmas we celebrate a God who is glorious in his abundant love and patient mercy. The glory of the birth of Jesus becomes even more glorious when it is seen through the humbling lens of the desperate condition that was the reason for his coming. Accept the very bad news of Christmas today, so that you can celebrate even more joyfully it's wonderfully good news." Are you reading a devotional or following a reading plan this Christmas season? We would love for you to share!

Posted by Aubrey Coleman at 2022-12-05 13:53:41 UTC